Jack Harries is a boy from England who decided two years ago to start a youtube channel in order to record his life during his gap year before university. Four months later we came out to find by a video called Twins that the cheeky english boy has a twin brother called Finn . That's when Jacksgap became something more than it was supposed to be. Now they have fans all around the world and 2 million subscribers and they are probably the most popular british youtubers.
I found out about them from my best friend Eva two months ago and now i am waiting every week for a new video. The things that they are doing are amazing, they travel a lot and my favorite part expect from the videos is the amazing photographs that they take not only during their travels but from their daily life, too.
The most important thing is that besides all this, they're actually helping people in need by doing charity. They've worked with Comic Relief (which is a british Charity powered by BBC helping people in the Third world) and Rainbow Center (a UK registered charity in Sri Lanka which provides education ans support in children who live in extreme poverty). They also made a video about the last one and it was very touching! So a big bravo to the twins!!!
With them you can explore the world, you can learn things about other cultures and the most important to me is that you can see how people on your age are spending their time by doing important things and helping others.
Facebook Page: JacksGap

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