After a long time I decided to write a new post! You must know that we have to study this summer and we don't have so much time as we used to this winter so our posts will be rare!
I was surfing on the net when I suddenly saw a beautiful photograph from an eff-ing awesome house! So, i decided to write something about decorating houses! We all have a dream for the ideal house. Others want to have a little apartment downtown full of posters, others a big library and others want a house on the suburbs because they don't like the noises of the city. Big or small, downtown or not with a poor or a big balcony everyone wants a cozy and beautiful house!
I found some photos so that you can take some ideas! I am telling you if i was leaving in one of these i would be veeeeeeeeeeeeery happy! (not that i am not in my apartment :)

Romantic mood...

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