Well the christmas spirit is everywhere those days. If you go for a walk you will see everything is decorated, the shops are full in people shopping for there christmas presents. You can see another behavour. People are more kind, strange will say to you "Merry Christmas" or they will help you with something. This is why I love this season. Everything is more free and love is everywhere. Your feelings and your mood are much better than the other months and you forget all the problems about the crise and all these stuff. So, since those days came and of course you will go out for celebrating or you will have guests in your house,I'll give you some tips of what to wear on christmas parties. Let's Start.
I will start with the nails. Everyone this period is gonna have red nails. So, make the diference. Paint your nails, blueblack, plump or if you want to be red put some glitter on. Make your nails shine.Also, you can create to your nails the ombre effect.
If you want draw something on them. But be carefull, something small and classy. The other days I upload to our page my christmas nails. So, take an idea, all the colors are by Essie.As for the hair check this post about the Hair Trends that we did: Hair Trends
So, lets continue with the clothes. Of course many of you will prefer dresses so i will start with those. If you are in the Dress Lover Category prefer the middy one. Never forget to be classy, fab and sexy at the same time. Prefer a monochrome dress but this has to have something special for example. Copy the look of D&G or Valentino dresses. Totally red or black but full in lace. What I love those days is the total velvet look. For me that is the perfect look for the Christmas Eve. Also, the dress can be one-shoulder or with glitter one. Remember: Whatever you choose to put on these days must be in the limits of the christmas spirit. Don't wear too much glitter or shiny things. Have a limit to your outfit.

For the pants/jeans lovers. I know lots of you are gonna where your comfortable jeans to celebrate the holiday events and I am totally agree with you. Put on your awesome suit and make "like a men" outfit. Play with the colors, the prints and the fabricks. Create a beautiful outfit that it seems better than a dress. Or if you want more simple things. Put your jean on, a tshirt and your jacket. Simply and chic always.

Don't be afraid of skirts. With the perfect tshirt the can make a beautiful result. Prefer the high waisted and long skirts always with high heels for a better outfit. For me to wear a flat shoe is something risky. You have to have a long and thin leg. So, for a more safe option wear your high heels.
Never forget. The clue of the best outfit is the extra that you are gonna put. Play with the jewels. Choose colorful and statement or gold jewels, rings and necklaces. Don't be afraid to put lots of them. Create your outfit with your style and choose clothers that are suits you and you really like them on you.Also, when you are going for shopping, go with someone. An extra opinion is always better than nothing. What more that you can add in our outfit is a fur or a coat. Check the post about the coats here Winter Trend: Coats
I hope that you will have an awesome time with your family and friends. Eat,laugh, play and do whatever you want and yoy enjoy to do. Spend more time with your family, forget all the problems that you might have and try to relax. I hope everyone to have healthy and all the problems to disapears. Mery Christmas. Peace and love everywhere. Love you
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